Week 11 Reading A: The Tortoise and the Geese
This week, my favorite reading this week was The Tortoise and the Geese, due to the lesson about the value of silence. I think it would work perfect for my D&D story because it could keep the same message on the value of silence while being made into a humorous tale. My thoughts are that it will be a lesson to the rogue, because rogues are famous for talking themselves into and out of trouble. As far as consequences, letting go of a stick seems out of the ordinary, but there definitely will be other fantasy situations which are appropriate for the setting. Overall I am very excited for writing this story, because it will provide a different sort of story then I have been doing.

Rogue Assassin, from Flickr
The Tortoise and the Geese, Twenty Jataka Tales, Noor Inayat
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