Week 11 Reading B: The End of the World

This week, the story that really caught my attention was The End of the World.  Part of the reason I liked this story was I remembered it from earlier in the semester, and remember the good stories that several people got out of it.  I think this would be a chance to have some lighter humor in the D&D universe I have been writing in, and provide an opportunity to poke some fun at Ush-Goth the Barbarian.  Barbarians are not known for their intelligence, and so it is completely plausible that Ush-Goth would see some great phenomenon and think it was the end of the world.  It also would be funny to have the chain of blame go on throughout the party, especially to see how talkative characters like Adalard would try to talk their way out of it.  Overall, I see in my mind the story as it would shape up in writing, and now have to decide which of my reading stories I use this week.
Image result for barbarian
Kneeling Barbarian, from wikimedia

Twenty Jataka Tales, The End of the World, Noor Inayat


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