Reading Notes, Ramayama Part C

This week, the story that caught my attention for doing my weekly storytelling assignment was the story of Sampati and Jatayu.

Ravana Cutting off Jatayu's Wing, from Temple Purohit

This story stood out due to the complex emotional themes of the brothers relationship, and the folly and pride of their race that led to Jatayu's death.  The image above is a different story, but one that I did further reading on and might consider finding a way to work into this tale in this week's storytelling.  I loved how the race itself could be given a deeper meaning or purpose, adding another dimension to the story.  Sampati's sacrifice could also be given a longer telling, and once again, the potential of fusing this story with the other version I read is tempting, having the brothers encounter Ravana on their adventure.  Overall, between this weeks reading and extra research, I feel confident in the amount of material at hand to work with.  


The Iliad of the East: The Ramayama, Frederika Richardson Macdonald, Source


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