Topic Brainstorm: Epics of India

The first topic I was thinking of was some stories of Lakshmi, due to it being the name of the house of my roommate's family.  I do not have any previous experience with Lakshmi, however, I am most interested in retelling her stories of spreading good fortune, mostly in a style familiar with a high fantasy setting.  Most likely the stories will be told in the form of a 3rd person narrative, however, I am not ruling out first person storytelling depending on specific stories. 

The second topic was Jataka tales, due it being a topic I enjoyed reading about and writing a story for this week.  I have no experience beyond the stories we read in class, but I am interested in being able to read more and expand my knowledge into this story tradition.  As with the previous entry, I most likely will be writing in a fantasy setting.  Deciding what stories I want to tell will come after reading more of these stories.

Another topic choice is writing about the Battles of the Ramayana.  Epic battles have always been my interested, so while I am only familiar with the most basic of themes from the Ramayana, I look forward to understanding not only the battles themselves but the weapons and technology they were fought with, focusing heavily on those aspects in my stories.   Maybe even write a story or two from key characters weapons perspectives as a way to find something interesting and change it up. 

Finally, the last topic choice I was considering was writing about the Heroes themselves.  This would enable me to learn about the characters, delve into their histories and motivations, and write stories in order to bring my interpretations on them to life.  Of these heroes, Karna is the one who has most caught my attention, but further research will be required to narrow the topic down that for and ensure I am not overlooking other stories that would interest me. 

Karna's wheel is stuck from Wikimedia Commons


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